Host a 'Property Tax Transfer" seminar
A key issue seniors consider in deciding to stay in their current home or downsize to a place closer to their kids or other desired location is determining the impact a move will have on their annual property tax bill.
Many agents assume that seniors know they can transfer their tax base one - but many times seniors are not aware or not assured of this capability. I have seen seniors sitting in $800k homes with $1,250 in annual property taxes due to Prop 13. They believe if they downsize to a $450k home their property taxes will blow up to over $4,500 per year so they don't want to move. Many seniors would welcome someone they can trust to educate them and clearly explain Props 60 and 90. To become an expert go to Prop 60 and 90 info
This strategy suggests you assertively leverage your expertise (or you can get a guest speaker from some county assessor offices) and offer seminars titled something like: "keeping your current property taxes when you downsize to your dream retirement home" or "how to keep your Prop 13 taxes when you move to a new home".
Another great idea is to include in a Prop 60/90 seminar a Purchase Reverse session. You show clients how they can buy twice the home with proceeds from their existing house and how they likely won't see the huge jump in property taxes they fear. This combination could create many new listings for you!
You can hold these seminars in local community centers, senior centers or at a Mimi's or other local restaurant. If you go the restaurant route be prepared to budget for a breakfast or lunch for your attendees. While you may get "free meal gypsies", there can be an implied reciprocity that by providing information and a meal your attendees will be more inclined to talk with you and enable you to possibly develop them to becoming a listing client.
The challenge is to get people to attend your seminar (butts in chairs). If you've segmented your market (see segment strategy), create an invitation flyer and over a specific period of time (say two weeks) focus your door-knocking efforts on distributing invitations and closing people on attending your seminar. You can get title reports showing existing mortgagee over a long period of time that likely indicate senior occupants to develop a target list as well.
If you become friends with an outgoing/sociable senior you can ask them to host in their home a small "get together" to talk about these topics - you offer to bring in catered lunch and they invite their friends and neighbors.
Don't be worried if you don't get huge numbers of attendees. Your efforts are aimed at connecting with maybe one or two seniors that are curious about your subject. There have been agents with four attendees that have converted two into listings.