Host and present a series of seminars on senior topics
Once you've acquired knowledge and have built your value add as a senor information resource, a great strategy is to engage seniors you've established relationships with in your farm and new potential contacts as well by introducing a series of topics with scheduled seminars you can market in a calendar like format.
Find a local senior center, community center, Mimis or other restaurant and schedule a series of seminars on various topics held once a month. Use these topics and date as you talk with seniors in your farm. If you get seniors that attend more than one you're likely working with and anchor client (see find your Mrs. Kravitz), a great referral source or an immediate/eventual client.
Examples of seminars and possible participants are:
Helping a senior loved one find a care facility - Lorri Thanos or Elena Merchand
Avoid cost and delays of probate with a trust - Amanda Wheeler
How to downsize to a new home and keep your property taxes the same - you as Prop 60/90/110 expert
Advantages and disadvantages of a Reverse Mortgage - Jim Zures
Things you need to know about aging in place - find a construction contact to talk about senior home modifications
Create a flyer with all topics and seminar dates. Distribute the flyer to your senior data base before each seminar. This shows you as an expert in bringing information for seniors even if the date of a seminar has passed. Don't use a real estate office for a seminar - people will not trust the events.
The goal is to use the series as a way to engage seniors you've already met and to use the seminars, marketing materials and your invitational pitch to grow the size of your senior segment. Even if your senior prospects never attend a seminar they will remember you as being different when the time comes that they need real estate services.