Market to build a 100% senior based real estate business

SISREP and the senior market strategies in this section are designed to give you knowledge and ideas to segment and target the senior demographic as a subset of your overall business plan. You may set a goal of additional units from seniors (say one additional sale per quarter) or express your emphasis as 10, 25 or 50 percent of your business plan. As such, there is an assumption that you are working and generating leads from a geographic territory as one pillar of your business.

Some agents are currently at or working towards a one hundred percent senior based business model. If this is your goal you should consider de-emphasizing a geographical territory and put more time, investment and effort into defining a large pool of senior prospects within a greater physical area. Instead of looking at neighborhoods as farms, define your prospecting area as one or more cities with the goal of uncovering seniors through a general “shotgun” approach designed to hook seniors to call you based on a marketing flyer, newsletter, press release, seminar, newspaper advertising or other marketing strategies built around the "marketing" category in SISREP.

Like any prospecting model, the bigger you define your universe of opportunity and the more effort you exert to develop your addressable market (those seniors that respond to your marketing campaigns) the more lead, listings and sales will result.

Venn PP
