Network with experienced financial planners

If you are involved in general networking activities with formal groups such as BNI, your local Chamber of Commerce or similar activities you are likely seeing and maybe meeting financial planners. Listen to the Nazih Yehya podcast as an example of a top financial planner who has provided leads to real estate agents, mortgage lenders, Reverse Mortgage specialists and medical professionals as a member of a BNI networking group.

Financial planners that have been in business for twenty, thirty years or more (there are a lot out there) have clients that are reaching the transition from asset accumulation and growth to specific steps involving income generating actions and solutions for retirement.  They've built up portfolios and saved money and now it's time to implement a retirement plan that has likely been in the works for years or even decades.  Financial planners are in a position to evaluate and recommend a downsizing move that fits their clients' retirement goals as part of this transition.  If you are positioned with experienced financial planners as not only a real estate expert but also as a senior subject resource you will look completely different from your competitors and get leads and listings early in the downsizing decision cycle.

Position yourself as a senior housing expert - encompassing downsizing and senior placement along with other senior strategies addressing needs and concerns both you and your financial planning partners encounter daily. Demonstrate you know issues facing seniors and their families and you will look unique compared to other agents.

In the same way you share newsletters, flyers and press releases with your senior clients and other networking partners, develop a marketing plan with these approaches tailored to financial planners. It will take awhile to build and nourish these relationships but a sizable network of financial planners will reap benefits to you providing prospects and direct referrals for years to come.

Venn PP
